Not very long ago, Apple announced the launch of iPhone 12 which will be available in 4 sizes & colors. Besides iPhone 12, iPhone 12 Pro and iPhone 12 Pro Max, Apple also brought in the new, smallest version, the iPhone 12 Mini. All of the iPhone 12 variants will offer 5G connectivity, a robust A14 Bionic processor, and sleek new design rather than the curved one as seen in the iPhone 11 variants.
Coming towards the cameras, Apple says that it has updated them too. Having better computational photography and a 7-element lens, why not expect it to launch at such exoribitant price point?
The iPhone 12 comes with the standard 6.1-inch screen size as same as its precursors, the iPhone 11 and iPhone X. Whereas, the iPhone Mini, ‘the curiosity factor’ for the masses, has a 5.4-inch display, which is the smallest in the whole lineup.
Both the handsets are made of glass and aluminum. The iPhone 12 has the same size screen as that of the iPhone 11. But thanks to its smaller bezels, which means it would be “11% thinner, 15% smaller and 16% lighter” than its predecessor, says Apple.
The iPhone 12 Pro will be available with either a 6.1-inch or 6.7-inch screen (the model with the larger screen, called the iPhone 12 Pro Max). It’s screen fuses a stainless steel band with glass giving a more boxy, yet a sleeker look. While all fours come with a “Super retina XDR display”, meaning the blacks look darker and colours feel more vibrant due to the new OLED screen.
Is The New iPhone 12 Lineup Worth It? Let’s See!
iPhone 12 ($799)
Sold at a price of $799, the iPhone 12’s features include 5G connectivity, a 6.1-inch OLED display a 5nm robust A14 Bionic processor, and a sleek new design. The color options of black, white, red, green, and blue colors would be available to choose from.
Apple clarified that the iPhone 12’s glass would be the toughest in the market as it uses Ceramic Shield technology. Co-developed with Gorilla Glass, it’s glass screen offers 4x better crack-resistance than the normal ones.
Apple claims to have reduced the display borders on the iPhone 12 while still using a 6.1-inch screen. The handset due to which gets “11% thinner, 15% smaller, and 16% lighter”- Apple
The Super Retina XDR display comes with twice as many pixels as compared to the iPhone 11. Likewise, the panel would hit a peak of 1,200 nits of brightness.
The iPhone 12 has a dual camera setup which comes with Apple’s first 7-element lens that delivers high quality low light performance. Apple has added Night Mode and Time-lapse as well. There’s a 12MP wide angle lens with a f/1.6 aperture and a 12MP ultra-wide angle lens with a f/2.4 aperture and an impressive 120-degree field of view.
iPhone 12 mini ($699)
The iPhone 12 mini delivers surprisingly the same features as the regular iPhone 12 but in a more compact package coming with a 5.4-inch Super retina XDR display, like the other three. In fact, Apple also made it clear that the iPhone 12 mini would be the smallest, lightest, and thinnest 5G phone in the world.
The price is least of all as the iPhone 12 mini as it starts at $699. It features the same five color options as the iPhone 12.
iPhone 12 Pro and iPhone 12 Pro Max ($999, 1,099)
The iPhone 12 Pro and iPhone 12 Pro Max are the high end models for the ones meeting the high end requirement with larger displays. The 12 Pro will light a 6.1-inch screen, up from 5.8 inches, and the iPhone 12 Pro will scale the screen dimension up to 6.7 inches.
The iPhone 12 Pro and iPhone 12 Pro Max both come with a range of new colors with an aluminum band. These include silver, graphite, blue and gold.
The A14 bionic chip remains the same here too but the iPhone 12 Pro and Pro Max both have better main wide angle cameras with a f/1.6 aperture each.
While on the other hand iPhone 12 Pro lets in 27% more light and offers in general a 2x optical zoom (10x digital) and the larger sensor on the Pro Max lets in 87% more light Giving clearer than ever night light shots and also offers the 2.5x optical zoom (12x digital) feature.
“iPhone 12 is worth buying but the Pro version seems overpriced” – Redmi’s Product director
Redmi’s product director Wang Teng Thomas recently shared his thoughts regarding none other than the iPhone 12 models. While his opinion was entirely personal, it may sway few of the existing or new buyers!
The iPhone 12’s seem the biggest upgrade since the original iPhone-X most importantly we’ve got the design overhaul with the new lineup feeling incredibly boxy yet sleek looking, plus it seemed a good time to change the trend from curvy to boxy after so long! Plus every new iPhone 12 have magnets in their back pulling the overall lineup towards possibly a new trend of phones being able to clip accessories like ear pods at the back and much similar stuff.
In terms of design, Apple has gone back to the tim when iPhone 5 and iPhone 4 existed with similar boxy structure. However, after seeing curved smartphones for a long time, it’s time to add some clean and sleek sides. Hence Apple did it with the iPhone 12 lineup!
Talking about speed every iPhone 12 has said earlier comes with a A14 chipset & 5G which was actually expected and it’s nothing much to celebrate about but 2024 being the year of the 5nm chipsets over the old 7nm. 5nm’s are usually space efficient compared to the 7nm and carry more power in same space.
Whereas the 5G seems like more of an eventuality over being an impressive feature as we all know where we are going after 4G plus Apple selling these iPhones with the 5G support would eventually kick start the 5G era sooner than later.
Finally, being honest, these features don’t appear groundbreaking as many android phones innovated much more than this, few months ago. However, speaking of Apple famously known for it’s kind of quality over quantity, they surely have highly optimized or tested everything they are providing with these iPhone 12’s unlike some androids with bugs.
Well the only thing to worry about is no charging brick being provided with the box itself!
Plus users will be getting the same 60hz refresh rate display unlike the Samsung flagships and even some other brand midranges.
At the end it’s the 5G era and these latest iPhones are none other than catalyzers with some minor yet optimized improvements designed to suit taste of sleek sides, various vibrant displays sizes to choose from and some not so groundbreaking camera and speed improvements but definitely optimized and tested!
So is the new iPhone lineup worth it?
We say, “It purely depends on the model size you need after all you get the same powered chipset in all iPhone 12 variants with just cameras being the differentiators. We conclude, it’s worth it if you can choose the right model for yourself!”